Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures For LoopResources 033. Write a program to print sum of given first n numbers in C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int n,newn,i,sum=0; clrscr(); printf("Enter number : "); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Numbers entered....\n"); for(i=1;iPrashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures For LoopResources 032. Write a program to print table of a given number n in C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i,n; clrscr(); printf("Enter number : "); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;iPrashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 031. Write a program to accept a number from user and check if it is Armstrong number or not i.e. 153 = 1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153 in C language #include #include main() { int temp,rem,sum=0,n; clrscr(); printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d", &n); temp=n; while(n…Prashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 030. Write a Program to accept a number and print sum of it’s digits in C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int rem,sum=0,n clrscr(); printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d",&n); while(n>0) { rem=n%10;…Prashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 029. Write a Program to accept a number and print the number in reverse order. E.g. if 1324 is the number then the output will be 4231 in C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int rem,n; clrscr(); printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d",&n); while(n>0) { rem=n%10;…Prashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 028. Write a Program to print first n odd numbers in C language #include<stdio.h> void main() { int i=1,n,counter=1; printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d",&n); while(iPrashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 027. Write a Program to print first n even numbers in C language #include<stdio.h> void main() { int i=1,n,counter=2; printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d",&n); while(iPrashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 026. Write a Program to print numbers n to 1 using Do While loop in C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i=1,n; clrscr(); printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d",&n); i=n; do {…Prashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingLoop Control StructuresPrograms On Loop Control Structures While And Do-WhileResources 025. Write a Program to print numbers 1 to n using while loop in C language #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int i=1,n; clrscr(); printf("Enter n : "); scanf("%d",&n); while(iPrashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012
Learn C ProgrammingLearn ProgrammingPrograms On Decision Control StructuresResources 024. Write a Program to accept user’s marital status, gender and age to check if he/she is eligible for marriage or not. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> main() { int age; char MaritalStatus,Gender; clrscr(); printf("Enter MaritalStatus, Gender, Age : (e.g.…Prashant ChaudhariSeptember 18, 2012